When is the right time to lose weight, and what is the appropriate cycle when you want to gain muscle? If you look at it on paper, it can also be confusing for you because there are a lot of ways to do it, but there could be simpler methods on how to do it.
Bulking and Cutting, are the two main cycles when it comes to building muscle and improving physique. They both complement each other regarding reaching your goals for a better and aesthetic body. It takes time to achieve the ideal weight and dropping down to a reasonable body mass.
Just follow the rules, regarding diet, supplement, and workouts to gain muscle

It is the phase where you need to eat a lot and train heavy to build muscle. The positive thing about bulking is it “protects” the muscle from being overused. Why do I say that? All your energy reserves such as your fat and stored carbohydrates are used up so that the muscle doesn’t end up being your body’s fuel.
1.Eat Clean, Not Garbage
2.Lift Heavy For Gains
3.What To Eat?
4.Turbocharged with Supplements
5.Macros and Nutrients
It’s Cutting Season, Time to Look Smokin’!

Now, the process that comes right after cutting. If you’ve already built a decent amount of muscle, you can start cutting the fat and look shredded through proper cutting diet. It is important if you are going to compete in a bodybuilding open, and you need every detail of your body to show.
1. Dehydrate Safely
2.Trim the Fat Off
3.Put the Work In
4.Specific Meal Plans
5.Supplementation Requirements
6.Cutting Nutrition, Gamechanger
That’s a Rap!
Bulking and Cutting is a simple but lengthy process to see a beautiful and gradual transformation within the body. People think that training is the easy part, but the diet and meal planning is the challenging and tasking thing to do. Just keep your recovery days part of the program, and if it needs to have another day of rest, please do so.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at ConstructMuscles.com
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.