Did you know that your ability to build muscle declines with age? Experts have yet to fully understand why, but they say it’s primarily due to the changes in how your body functions as you get older. This means that when you reach a certain age, simply lifting heavy and consuming your favorite weight gainer shakes may no longer be enough to get the job done. This is probably why a lot of older bodybuilders and even athletes end up turning to hGH. But is it really the best option? Let’s take a look.
The Pros and Cons of hGH Therapy
Enter your text here.Gains are not the only benefit hGH therapy brings to the table. It can also help promote fat loss, improve bone density and joint health, boost performance and even increase a person’s basal metabolic rate. The problem, however, is that all these benefits come at a price.
Studies show that hGH therapy can cause various side effects, such as increased insulin resistance, gynecomastia, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and even a higher risk for certain types of cancer. Needless to say, unless you’re only concerned with getting big and don’t really care about staying healthy, this trade-off is unacceptable. So, does this mean that your only options are to either get sick to stay big or lose all your hard-earned gains to stay healthy? Well, not really...
Enter: Sermorelin Acetate
Unlike hGH therapy that messes with your body’s natural functions, sermorelin acetate helps you build muscle by augmenting them. Considered a growth hormone secretagogue, this substance, while not really having any hGH, stimulates its natural production in the body. It does so using the 29 hGH-production-triggering amino acids it contains. This ultimately means that it can essentially give you all the benefits of hGH therapy without all the dangerous side effects.
But that’s not all sermorelin acetate has going for it. Another benefit it has over traditional hGH therapy is that it’s a lot more affordable. In fact, with the amount of money you’d normally shell out for just a month’s supply of hGH, you could get three month’s worth of sermorelin acetate, making the latter the more cost-effective long-term solution.
Supplement It with Lighter Weights
Want even better results? Switch to lighter weights! It may seem counter-productive but studies have shown that when it comes to getting bigger, lifting lighter weights for more reps could be just as effective as lifting heavier weights for fewer reps. The reason for this is that muscle building relies heavily on the total work volume (i.e., the total weight you lift x the number of reps and sets you do) you do. At the end of the day, as long as your muscles get the stimulus they need to grow, they will. It doesn’t matter whether that stimulus comes in the form of heavy weights lifted for three to five reps or lighter weights lifted for eight to 15 reps.
This is especially important if you’re already suffering from some form of chronic pain. The last thing you want is to aggravate your condition and end up completely unable to workout. Keep in mind that when it comes to building muscle, consistency is key. You can’t make progress if you keep taking week after week off due to injuries.
Give Your Body More Time To Recover

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should not give your body enough time to recover. In fact, rest is just as important to getting bigger as working out - and this becomes even more important the older you get. This is because as you age, your body simply takes longer to repair itself from training-related damage.
This means that if you’re used to working out for two hours a day six days a week, then it’s probably a good idea to cut back to maybe just three or four times a week depending on how fast you are able to bounce back. If you switch to full-body workouts instead of splits, then you can probably even get away with just doing two sessions a week. The goal here is to streamline your program so you can cut back on the total amount of time you spend at the gym.
Do Just Enough to Trigger a Response
But how exactly do you streamline your program? Well, the first thing you can do is remove isolation exercises from it and shift your focus on big compound movements like the bench press, squat and deadlift. See how your body responds to these exercises first and then just add isolation work for muscle groups that appear to need extra stimulation. Again, all your body needs to grow is the stimulus to do so. Doing more work than necessary is not only a huge waste of time, but may also sabotage your progress by keeping your muscles from completely recovering after each workout.
Now, if you’re not sure whether doing just big compound movements will help you build muscle, then just take a look at powerlifters. Their program typically just consists of these kinds of exercises and they’re not only massive, but extremely strong as well. There’s really no better proof than that.
Don’t Forget Proper Nutrition

Finally, just because you’re supplementing with sermorelin acetate, it doesn’t mean that you can get away with eating junk food. They keyword here is “supplementing.” It means you still need to get everything else in order - from your workout and recovery all the way to your diet - if you want to see results. Keep in mind that without proper nutrition, you’ll not only be unable to do well at the gym, but also recover much more slowly from your each training session. Long story short, if you want quality results, you need to provide your body with quality fuel.
Keep Getting Bigger - Naturally!
Don’t risk your life just for the sake of getting big. Always remember that an impressive physique won’t really mean anything if you’re all banged up inside. If you’re having trouble building muscle even if you’re already following a sensible workout and eating plan, then just talk to your doctor about supplementing with natural aids like sermorelin acetate.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at ConstructMuscles.com
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.