Healthy living includes both working out (or exercising) and eating healthy. Yet, there are some persons who actually believe that you should lessen your food intake in order to get the flatter stomach, bulkier muscles, longer legs and arms, and sexier abs. Who says it's a fact or a bluff? Definitely, it is a bluff. This list of healthy snacks for bodybuilders will find working out more enticing because, of course, you can enjoy eating in the gym.
Food is life, isn’t it? I can actually see your eyes glow after seeing those newly prepared tortillas in the table. But then you realized you just had your monthly gym membership fee paid yesterday.
Snub that tort? Come on, I know you can’t. Go, get them!
1. Put some peanut packets on your gym bags!

You got six packs? Let’s add some more! Did you know that the top healthy snack for bodybuilders are peanut packets? Get a pack of protein in the grocery stores and put them in your gym bags. Nut butter packets, nutrition packed trail mix, and protein bars are in store for you! Get enough supply of vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, and protein from these packs! Be mindful of the sugar content though!
2. Hungry muscles? Get nuts!

When someone told you that you should not eat, answer them with "are you nuts? I can have peanuts!" Let us be more specific—yes you can have that in-shell pistachios that everyone loves, the mixed nuts and walnuts as well! What is more delightful is that you can play more with your nuts! Make some peanut butter and banana roll-ups and homemade protein peanut butter balls, snacks within your own kitchen table.
Nuts aren't just brain food; it also works as muscle food for having a good protein content that will definitely help you build up stronger body!
3. Don’t be too hard, you can have eggs! Boil those eggs!

All hail to the amino acids! Get enough amino acids with omega-3 enriched eggs. Put some eggs and hot water, abracadabra, that’s a healthy snack! Eat hard-boiled eggs even while you are working out! Just be careful not to litter or gym trainers will definitely get those eggs up! Remember that eggs are the good source of protein so better go out and work out with eggs!
4. Go Mexican! Tortillas

Need energy to be able to work out? Grab a snack with wholesome carbohydrates to get you going! What a lovely life do Mexicans have if they can have this delicious food even while b usy working with bigger muscles? Chicken wrap with whole wheat tortilla and Mexican tuna are for you. Yeah, eating these won’t make you look like on a diet!
5. Attention: Jerks! Beef Jerks

Bring some jerks in the house! Beef jerks can silence your growling stomach. Like peanut packets, beef jerky can be found anywhere. Be mindful, get those lower-sodium varieties to maintain salt intake. Beef jerkies are the good source of carbs and fiber. Make it more delightful by pairing it with good fruits like oranges!
6. 'Yo guys, yogurts!

‘No desserts for gym-ers’ is not true, definitely. Yogurts can contribute to your body's protein content, discount probiotic bacteria in your tummy and even give you calcium for healthier bones!
Start rushing down the street now because you can get yogurts even after gym! I suggest you get the original flavor and just get healthy toppings (like kiwi and berries) as natural sweeteners! Frozen Greek yogurts, Icelandic yogurts or any yogurts of your choice! Just be careful with choosing other toppings, though.
7. No more cheese for rats, cheese for workout-ers!

Cottage cheese with canned fruits, string cheese, cottage cheese, milk—dairy products that you can have! Cheese, like milk and other dairy products, can give you the good amount of calcium and protein for stronger bones! Start with choosing good cheeses (the reduced-fat versions) to maintain your desired daily calorie count.
So, open the fridge and start stocking cheese now! What would make the idea great is that you can actually make a lot of snacks out of these cheese! Make some protein pancakes and have cheese on top would make you feel delirious!
8. Grapes, plums, and everything nice

Who would forget fruits? Frozen grapes, dried plums, apricots, dates, strawberries and tomato, make the salad out of it! Grab fruits that are high in fiber, low calory and carbohydrate content. More than that, grab a shake-maker or a blender and boom, here’s a smoothie with good vitamins for the hunk!
9. Did I tell you, you can have CHOCOLATES? Yay!

Definitely, chocolates for you and your gym trainers! Dark chocolate is best to satisfy your sweet tooth regardless of your training schedule! Did you even know that darks have no less than 60% cocoa content which means that there’s lesser sugar than the milk-chocos? It also contains polyphenol antioxidants which can help your tummy metabolize!
So, who does not love chocolates? I am giving you now a green signal to go to your lover and share dark chocolates with them. Sweet!
Do not be food-deprived while working out. Have your freedom in getting all the things as long as you want! Love the list? Share it them with your friends and gym acquaintances. Got some thoughts? Put your comments below!

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.