You might be wondering how many exercises you need to work on in order to grow muscle quicker. Sometimes, you might even think that you are underworking them as well. There are many speculations and arguments online of the certain topics. To be honest, there are many things to consider about it. It is not just about the size and the goal.
I am going to let you be in peace of how many workouts you need to do in a single session. Depending on what you are looking forward to, at the end of that day, it is all about the effort and the work you put in and out of the gym. With that being said, I will answer your question of How Many Exercises Per Workout?.
Consider These
To be honest, there are no strict number of exercises that you can do in a workout session. It is only going to matter what you want to achieve your fitness career or fitness level. Is there any target that you want to hit, or is there a particular physique that you want to make? I will give you a few things to consider so you can plan your workout program ahead of you.
1. Goal

Before anything else, you have to reflect and ask yourself about why you are beginning a workout in the first place. What do you want to achieve at the end of the day? Create short term goals, for your long-term success. It doesn't only pertain to bodybuilding perse but in any other type of fitness activity. Whether you are an athlete or just casually training, there is still a specific goal that you want to reach after a tough regimen.
2. Small Muscle Group

If you are targeting a small muscle group, it doesn't need more than three exercises for it to grow. For example, making a bicep grow only needs two workouts, to begin with, and there are times that you even need one. You can work on a barbell movement and a dumbbell exercise for both strength and isolation. It is the effort and the form that counts, not the number of sets or exercises.
3. Large Muscle Group

For obvious reasons, a large muscle group would need four workouts especially if you are trying to emphasize the sub-parts of it. For example, the back, there is the latissimus dorsi, the rhomboids, and trapezius. You can emphasize exercises for the middle back, do wide-grip cable rows.
4. Strength

Strength is all about increasing your numbers where size won't even matter at all. It doesn't require a lot of workouts because you are trying to focus all your power in one movement. Just imagine deadlifts. I don’t think you will need other workouts because it works a lot of muscles in one movement.
The only additional workouts you do are supplementary and accessory workouts, and they are very crucial when it comes to strength training. It helps you unlock your skill and technique to perform the main lift with proper execution.
5. Muscle Building

In muscle building, you need more workouts and if you’re training for aesthetics specifically. There are smaller muscle groups that you want to focus on that will give you that extra definition and finesse. It is important in bodybuilding to get shredded and train even on the smallest detail in your physique. That is why some programs have five different exercises for a single muscle area.
6. Cutting

Cutting would require a lot of workouts as well because the focus is shedding your body weight and fat percentage. It is where the supersets come in to increase the metabolic conditioning of your body to burn fat quicker than before. Usually, there ten workouts that comprise of time controlled movements and sets.
As long as you're you have a diet for cutting; then you will achieve that shredded physique in no time. Don't forget to rest and do necessary recovery methods before going back to training.
7. Bulking

Bulking is all about gaining your calories and increase your body's total mass percentage. Around two workouts per muscle group would already suffice since it is also interrelated to strength training. Because you don't want to shed too many calories during your workout, that is why you don’t need extra workouts.
Although, we have to have a high volume with heavy weights. We are talking about five sets of three to five reps. The reason behind it is to expand the tissue and undergo myofibrillar hypertrophy and get blood pumping through your muscle fibers.
Specified Programs

If you wish to save time, there are specific programs that will cater to what kind of goals you want to achieve. You can save time creating your plan and just search a regimen online. It already includes the diet, nutrition, supplementation, and routine that you need to do for a particular time frame.
It also gives tips on recovery that includes massages, stretches, and mobility exercises. At the end of the day, any program will work as long as you are determined to follow it religiously. Some people cheat their way to the program and do half the process. What I mean by it is that they feed themselves the wrong food and keep on eating junk most of the time.
For example, just because the label says it has calories doesn't mean it is good calories. Some sugars don't do anything when it comes to building and repairing muscles. There are healthy carbohydrates for bodybuilding that allows you to absorb the nutrients quicker.
I hope that I alleviated you from confusion about How Many Exercises Per Workout. I will say it again that it matters on your effort and hard work. There might be methods and programs that work well for others but not applicable to you. If that's the case, then follow this article, so that you can design your programs and diet regimen for the aesthetic appeal that you want.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.