There are now different kinds of fitness equipment that are being made all around the world. The SlenderTone is a trimming belt that will get you toned in no time, or so they say. I think it will be helpful to a lot of people, but I have never used it myself. So, let us have a proper Slendertone reviews and how it could help us with our toning needs.
Things To Consider First
If you are having a hard time to burn fat or unable to hit the gym to lost all the unnecessary weight, maybe it's time to think about investing in a product similar to the SlenderTone. I mean consider that maybe you have some inabilities that are hindering you from doing outdoor activities. I am not saying that it is the best solution, but it would most likely help you bring a burning sensation that you might need.
Be honest about yourself before buying this product because we don't want this to be a waste of another investment if you are not going to use it at all. It will be like one of the overused or uninteresting equipment added in your "Not Using Anymore" package box.
Consider that you can:
- Commit time to put it to work.
- You are looking for other alternatives to burn body-fat.
- You are willing to spend and have enough budget for the item.
- You don’t have any medical history of nerve problems and high blood pressure.
It's not a bad investment unless you are not going to use it when you do. In the end, you might be lazy even to open the box, and end up staring at it all day long while eating your favorite cheeseburger meal, so think about it.
Slendertone Reviews
The SlenderTone is supposed to make you lose fat while exerting minimal effort, and develop your abs even with minimal abdominal workouts. It is a toning belt that promises to HELP you shed your fat while undergoing the proper diet and nutrition. It is still not a shortcut to gain that six-pack that you have always dreamed about; the guidance for it is its real purpose. Yes, it will say that, while doing your house chores or even sitting down doing your homework, it will begin to shed some unwanted bulge on your belly. At least it is what they are trying to promote.
- Convenient, as you can use it while multi-tasking
- Easy to keep.
- You can control the intensity you want to it.
- No recommended workouts to do with it.
- Could be irritating to the skin.
- Can be uncomfortable.
Key Features

Now it is the time that I will bring you to a more in-depth information about the product. I am just going to tell you what I think about the features, and maybe how it can benefit you. It is not one of your TV Shopping product that you can order immediately. They have been around, and I have to say that they have been serious and critical when they design their product.
In all honesty, I think it is impressive, but it may not be for you, so what are exactly the things to keep an eye on for the Slendertone? Perhaps you can already tell by just looking at the product and imagine you can do with, but I will give my two cents about it.
First off, it's a belt, a very broad one. It has a wide range of cover for a maximum effect. The rectus abdominis (your favorite 6-pack center) and the transversus are the primary target of this belt since the vibration frequencies I focused on the center. Oblique will come in secondary to the process.
See, even the belt itself has a degree of intensity. It is a smart way to include the design especially if you are just new to the classification of the product. Even without undergoing rigorous and intensive training, you can burn off the weight that you kept for a very long time.
Some of their products can be paired up with your phone if you installed its corresponding application. I think that it is another approach to a more informative status rather than just basing it off from the device of the belt. There will be a series of notifications that you will receive that will show you the estimated fat burned after the period. It is technology at its finest.
What you see is what you get from the product, and the short enumeration I gave would already say a lot about it. It is a simple product that can give you optimal results. As long as you do your part, it will do what it is meant.
What Do People Say About It?
Like what I mentioned earlier, it is a very famous product. I am sure that you have been finding a lot of ways to get your calories down while doing something else. Just from Amazon alone, it has already gained tons of positive reviews. Go ahead and search "Slendertone" in and see what I am talking about.
Other Options
There are still other products for its kind. Of course, it is competition out there, so several companies are trying to beat each other. Others may not have the advantage of what the Slendertone has, but it will be quite useful as well.
The Easy Body Shredded comes with a kit of its accessories which I think could save you time and money from buying aftermarket products. Just like the Slendertone, it has a simulator where you can view what kind of program you want it to do. Aside from being a waist trimmer, you can also use it in other parts of your body which are ideal.
This is a simpler product, and it only focuses on your waist and nothing else. There is no electrical component with the item, and its primary focus is to increase the temperature within the area to gradually cook off the fat. It is a great substitute if you want a simpler approach than the Slendertone.
First off, it is not cordless. There a remote control attached to it and it has that classic vibe to it. Although, I am not saying that it is ineffective. In fact, many people have been purchasing it since it has received great reviews. You may still use it anytime and anywhere that way you want it.
This Slendertone Reviews is supposed to clear your mind and be decided on what to buy, and I think you should consider my opinion about the product. Many people out there including you may already have the adversity of having a slender (no pun intended) body. If you want to know more about their product, visit their website by clicking here.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.