Most of the time, we use external weight equipment to contour and sculpt our muscles to make them look better and train them to get stronger. We opt to use the bench press and other external equipment exercises that we see around the gym. There are just some things that you might forget that could give you a slight advantage that others don't have.
Have you ever seen or heard the exercise called dips? You don't even need a lot of things to execute the task. For some people, it might be even the only exercise they need rather than going heavy. If you want to have popping chest muscles through your shirt, I will give you a couple of Dips For Chest that are easy and efficient.
Advantages Of Dips

As you may know, the exercise is one of the most underrated and done incorrectly by so many people. They just rely on the machines, but to be honest, it doesn't do as much benefit as the bodyweight type. I am not saying that the machine type is wrong, but it doesn't target a wide area of the pectoral muscles.
1. Works Many Muscle Groups
Dip Exercises can activate a lot of muscle groups, and it will depend on what it will emphasize on with the variation you are doing. There are a lot of muscle at work when you do the dips exercise. It doesn’t just affect your chest and triceps, but it also your trapezius, shoulders, and core comes into play. They all play an important role when you want to stabilize yourself for the movement.
2. Doesn’t Require Much Equipment
You may do it in a power tower where you may execute other exercises as well. If you have a dip bar at home, then that would be more convenient for you. You can even do a variant of it on an adjustable weight bench, so it is just literally up to you what kind of variation you want to do.
3. It Has Plenty Of Variations
You can make your pecs bigger with almost any variation of dip you can do. Depending on your skill and technique progress, you have a lot of choices to choose from. There isn't just one exercise for dips; it will matter if you do it on a bench, machine, parallel bars, or a power tower. It just shows how flexible the exercise can be regarding movement.
4. Allows you to master your body’s Strength
I want to emphasize this point about mastering your technique and strength by only using your body weight. People don’t see the importance of this because first of all it is very functional and it can help you in possible and life threatening situations. You won't only get to build muscle, but you will get to be functionally active as well.
The other dip exercises won't be as much of use concerning functionality, but it will allow you to use other smaller muscle groups that you didn't know that exists within your body. It could also help you with other workouts such as your close-grip bench press, and also with your muscle-up progression.
Dip Exercises For Popping Pecs
Time to tell you what are the exercises to have that protruding chest. There isn't much that you need to do since we are talking about targeting the chest alone. Yes, I know there are plenty of chests and dips exercises, but we will only focus on the movements that will activate it the most. The reason why these exercises will be effective because of the position and the leverage of our body, and the parts we concentrate to push our weight.
For all the movements, make sure that your core is engaged at all times. It prevents you from swinging back and forth with any of the movement as follows.
#1.Banded Dips
#2.Conventional Dips
#3. Planche Dips
#4.Ring Dips
Simple Diet For Bigger Chest Muscle
You have just been given the Dips for Chest workouts. You can still research for more workouts just in case if the ones I stated doesn't work for you. Remember to concentrate on the right form, and practice the technique. If you have any other questions, you can leave it in the comments section provided below.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.