It goes for both man and woman whether they are complaining that their thighs are too big, or their legs are not getting bigger. People frequently ask me how to make their legs big, and how to lose fats and size from their legs. Some people find a hard time to fit in their good old jeans, and they keep on buying new ones.
Some people really want to grow their size, because they want to compete for bodybuilding opens. Others just want symmetry and aesthetics so at least it doesn't look awkward, and it doesn't look like you skip leg day.
In other words, Do Squats Make Your Thighs Bigger? Are there other workouts that make it massive? Let's find out!
To give you an answer, squats will make your thighs grow bigger. It is the king of all leg workouts. Now, besides the workout, there are other factors why it increases its size. Remember that it is a major muscles group, and you need to consider the things that you do every day.
1. Diet

First off, diet is the most important factor in fitness. It determines whether you want to grow or to try to cut down on weight. If you are adding whopping calories in your body, then expect to get bigger. Protein is another dealer of why you are gaining weight. To gain muscle size, you need to feed protein it protein – a lot of grams of it. Most people oversee the importance of diet, and how it reflects your goals.
If you want to maintain the size of your legs, then control your calories. There are circumstances that your diet is the reason why your legs are growing quicker than expected.
Another tip I could give is, you can break down your meals so that it doesn't feel like you're bloated in one sitting with your meals; which is why that you have to plan your meals ahead for you to track down your macronutrient intake.
2. Nutrition

What kind of food are you eating? Is it all fat or vegetable based? Sometimes we don't know what it is in our food even though you have a regulatory dietary program or routine. You may think that "oh I will eat chicken breast and broccoli because of all the protein I get.” Yes, that is true but, does it have enough caloric surplus in it?
It might be confusing about the situation wherein feeding yourself with loads of protein, but not enough to give yourself carbohydrates. Carbs play an important role for quicker protein synthesis. It helps our body synthesize and break protein quicker than without. Even though if you find the foods that contain the highest protein content, you will only grow leaner muscle but not the overall muscle size.
3. Supplementation

You cannot eat eggs all the time because of the amount of cholesterol it possesses. Too much cholesterol and uric acid have adverse effects on a long-term basis; which is why that you have to find supplements for a greater protein substitute. Whey protein shakes are the most excellent substitute if you want to have an additional protein in your daily nutritional value. As mentioned earlier that you need to divide your meals throughout the day, one protein shake serving already counts as a meal; so, plan it wisely.
If you are having a hard time gaining mass overall, there are mass gainers in the market that can help you through it. One serving consists of almost 1000 calories, and an ideal caloric intake to gain overall mass is 2500 – 3000 of calories. Other than that, the macronutrients will already suffice for a single meal.
4. Frequency and Volume Of Workout

For natural bodybuilders, it is ideal that your target a muscle group twice a week for optimal results, but why is that? Our muscles have a 48-hour window to absorb the sarcoplasmic nutrients from the food that we eat. If it goes past that time frame, the body will not absorb, and the rest will become body fat. So, imagine if you train the body part twice. Imagine how rapid your muscles are going to grow with all the right food that you partake.
It terms of volume and intensity, if you do five sets and five reps each with heavy weight, a lot of blood and sarcoplasm will pump through your veins, and will eventually undergo myofibrillar hypertrophy. The tissue expands and allowing all the ATP to be absorbed by it.
Another way to achieve muscle hypertrophy is performing 3-4 reps with 10-12 reps undergoing a longer time under tension. 6-time Mr. Olympia states that there is still much strength in the negatives to achieve total muscle damage. We all know that our body naturally adapts to physical stress so that it will repair that damaged muscle into a new and stronger one.
If you are planning to lift heavy for legs, use your knee sleeve to avoid any ligament tear. Another help is, using squat shoes to help you if you have tight ankle mobility.
After going through a checklist of factors, at most times it could also be your genetic and biomechanic build-up. Some people, have a big bone structure that instantly makes them look bigger and have more density within their body.
Some people are unfortunate (or fortunate) that they have skinny legs no matter how much they train and work hard for it. Yes, your muscles in that area will grow, but it will still look small because of your thin and slim bones. If that is the case, then you can just work on strengthening your legs and lift heavier. At least, you don't grow insecure about them regarding power.
There you have the answer to "Do Squats Make Your Thighs Grow Bigger?" It cannot be the leg press that adds size to it, but only squats. Just remember to change up your program every time that you are plateauing with your lifts. Remember to mobilize and stretch every after a workout, since it is taxing to a lot of joints when it comes to heavy lifting.

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.