Spinning first reached the masses almost three decades ago, and its popularity has been only increasing ever since. The reason indoor cycling is more than just a fitness fad is that it has actual health benefits for both the body and mind. Today, we will discuss four of those benefits in greater detail.
The 4 Benefits of Cycling Indoors
In our article, we will present some of these benefits in-depth so that you can fully understand the advantages spinning can bring into your life. Without further ado, let’s begin.
#1. Recommended Dose of Cardio
Regular exercise is amazing for your cardiovascular health. According to the American Heart Association, 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous training each week will help decrease the risk of heart attack or stroke while at the same time improving your overall wellbeing.
And what better way to get your blood pumping than by cycling indoors? Just 30 minutes of spinning five days a week will get you far. In time, you will benefit from lower blood pressure and reduced cholesterol levels. What is more, regular spinning will strengthen the muscles around your heart which will boost your physical endurance levels.
But how does this happen exactly? According to a Swedish study conducted in 2011, just one hour of spinning releases biomarkers associated with heart change and stress. In spite of this sounding like a detrimental process, it is not. These chemicals actually are a signal that your heart is getting a good workout by engaging a lot of the important muscles in the body.
In fact, cycling indoors makes use of two of the largest and most powerful muscles in the body, the quadriceps and the gluteus maximus. This exerts a lot of efforts, which translates into burned calories as well. For this reason, the aforementioned biomarkers are released, and their beneficial consequences include vessel and cell renewal and repair at a cardiovascular level.
#2. Sustainable Weight Loss
Although your health should be your number one concern when trying a new workout routine, you shouldn’t forget about your fitness goals either. And when pursued correctly, spinning can be a great activity to promote weight loss, according to New York-based fitness guru and instructor Keoni Hudoba
The secret is to engage every single muscle in your body and switch up resistance levels between sessions. Maintain your posture on the stationary bike and incorporate sprinting rounds every couple of minutes or so. In this way, you will achieve what is known as high-intensity interval training, which is the best way to lose weight while doing cardio.
If you have trouble keeping up with the required cadence, listen to a motivational playlist while working out. By following the tempo of the songs, you will find your own physical rhythm and improve your performance in no time. There are countless pre-made playlists on the Internet, but you can also compile your own.
#3. Low Impact on the Joints
It is no secret that cycling, both indoors and outdoors, is a physical activity that involves plenty of exerted effort on your part. You will break a vigorous sweat while in the saddle, but this won’t affect your joints in any way. In fact, spinning is a low impact exercise that is often recommended in recovery therapy.
Cycling also strengthens the muscles in the thighs and legs, which builds endurance and alleviates musculoskeletal discomfort. Therefore, if you are prone to knee or back pain, it is a good way to take away some of the strain and keep yourself in good shape. Regardless of your age, you will find great relief and joy in this simple and engaging activity.
Why is pedaling so gentle on the musculoskeletal system? First of all, it doesn’t involve any aggressive flexing or other demanding movements present in other sports. This is especially beneficial for the knee region, as it is the most overused one in activities such as running, football, or weightlifting. Thus, you aren’t only shielding the joints from harm, you’re mending them too.
#4. Reduced Stress Levels
Ask any fitness enthusiast, and they will tell you that spinning is a great way to release some of the pent-up stress and anger on a daily basis. This happens because vigorous physical activity increases endorphin production in the human brain, which is known as the happiness hormone in popular culture.
Vigorous training can give you what is commonly referred to as the “runner’s high”. Of course, any type of high-intensity exercise will lead to this result, so you don’t have to worry about cycling not getting you there. In addition, pedaling your worries away is a form of meditation in motion. It gives you something else to concentrate on for the time being.
All in all, regular exercise is a great way to boost your self-confidence and relax. It also diminishes any anxiety symptoms, which is fantastic news if you have ever struggled with the condition. As long as you remember to nourish your body properly prior to the workout, your mental health will visibly improve as a result.
The Bottom Line
Riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes each day not only improves your cardiovascular health, but it also helps you drop those pesky extra pounds that have been bothering you. Even though spinning can be demanding, it won’t harm your bones or joints, and it will enhance your mood as well. What more could you possibly ever want from a workout?

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at ConstructMuscles.com
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.