The fitness world has been so creative that there are now many different ways on how to lose weight. Diet and exercise are mainly the topmost things to alter if one has to lose weight--either you change your routines or you change your diet, or you build synchronization in between two. For this article, we will get to see how changing our diet into an extraordinary one can help us achieve our goal. This article aims to show how eggplant juice will help you in weight loss, further achieving your body shape and curves goals.
Eggplant Juice for Weight Loss

If you are to bring back the godly shape, then you should start forging a friendship with eggplants. A lot would wonder if eggplant's taste is really suitable for a juice or if it can really work for overweighed people. But indeed, eggplant juice is your way to weight loss.
Eggplants are usually present in supermarkets, and so you will have no trouble looking for some of it. While it can be used as one of the ingredients to different viands, start changing your perception to eggplants because now, you're going to drink it like some other juices. The next paragraph will show you how to do eggplant juices.
How to Prepare an Eggplant Juice for Weight Loss Purposes?
Materials needed

- Fresh Eggplants
- Lemon, Ginger, or Oranges
- Ice (optional if you want your juice cold)
- Squeezer
- Steamer
- Water

Step 1: Get the freshest or newly-picked eggplants in the store. The usual color of eggplant is rich violet or green. You may either get the violet one, with no any brownish part on it to validate its freshness.
Step 2: Wash these eggplants, and then steam for at least ten minutes. Steaming will help you lessen the bacteria that is normally present in the body of the eggplant. By steaming it, you are also softening the body of the fruit, making it easier to be juiced.
Step 3: Slice the eggplants. Make around 5-6 slices out of a piece. Ensure that the slices are thick enough because you will be using squeezers to liquefy it.
Step 4: Liquefy the solid eggplant through squeezers. Make sure that you use a clean squeezer to avoid any problems with the juice you are going to drink. Bacteria or any other microorganism that will enter your body can affect your fitness lifestyle.
Step 5: Mix with either oranges, ginger, or lemons to add more flavor to your juice. This makes your extraordinary juice easier to bear. You may also try other flavors that you prefer.
Step 6: Drink immediately. Do not leave your juice out of a refrigerator because it may taste worse or it may be spoiled. Drink it right after you prepare it, and add ice to make it taste better.
Eggplants are known for its following specific features: low carbohydrate content, high nutrient content, fiber, but it gives you a low amount of calorie to avoid you from getting excess fats. Eggplants help you sustain a number of nutrients you need for your lifestyle while helping you get back the shape you want.
Other Surprising Benefits Of Eggplant Juice

Eggplants juice for weight loss is a blessing to those who are also under vegetarian diet. To them, it is another culinary trick that they can execute and try while pondering on their kitchen desks. To know how fascinated these bodybuilders are, here are the other surprising benefits of eggplant juices:
#1. It Helps You Improve And Boost Your Cardiac System
There are a lot of activities and exercises that can help you boost your cardiac system like by using weight bench or by hiking, but by making some eggplant juices, you can also improve your blood and oxygen circulation, most especially your heart. With the nutrients and supplies it can give, surely, you may lessen the intensity of your activities a bit, and adding eggplant juices to your diet.
#2. It Helps You Maintain Your Blood Cholesterol Content
Aside from the benefits mentioned above, eggplants are also known to help your body have a maintained blood cholesterol content. Based on the 2015 study of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eggplant is one of the fruits with cholesterol-lowering components. This then makes eggplant a heart-friendly plant, further giving you a healthier and longer life through improved diet.
#3. It Avoids You From Being Obese
The topmost characteristics of the eggplant fruit are these two things: high in fiber content, low carbohydrate content. Having these two packed up in one fruit makes eggplant juices more reliable for weight loss. Helping you with losing your excess fat is, therefore, a way to keep you away from being obese. But of course, you need to pair up the eggplant juice with proper exercise and healthier lifestyle to achieve your goal of being gorgeous in the fastest way possible.
There are a lot of culinary tricks that you can pull off, most especially if you are too determined to lose weight. Just like today, you learned that eggplant could actually be juice which can provide you with the best amount of body supplies without even paying too much.
While there have been a lot of supplements sold all over the world, still, the best supplement to your workout routines is altering your diet. Include eggplants in your diet to have low carbohydrate, high fiber, low cholesterol kind of food! You will see the results as early as possible if you tie it up with your other fitness plans.
Also, do not forget that you can also transform your eggplant juice into other forms. You can either make a smoothie or a shake out of it, depending on the way you want to have it!
How did you see the importance of eggplant juice for weight loss? Help us improve this article by posting some comments below! Also, share the procedures of making eggplant juices, and have a toast of it with your fitness buddies!

Hi there,
I’m Gregory Brown, chief editor at
I spend half of my time in this blog while the other half on being physical fitness trainer. Believing in the great benefits of bodybuilding and fitness to the body, I’ve been motivated to become a fitness enthusiast. It also was what gave me the self-confidence and assurance within myself both physically and psychologically.